
MBD Assistants – Perception, variety, events and specialising for career progression

At the PM Forum’s Marketing and Business Development (MBD) Assistants training session last week there was much talk about career progression. I’ve focused on a few topics: how we are perceived, the attraction of variety in roles, event management and MBD career specialisation. This article supplements the learning resources for Read More

2024-09-25T19:40:39+01:00September 25, 2024|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Learning & Development Update: Lean Learning and learning trends

The role of learning and development (L&D) becomes more critical as firms try to ensure that their people are equipped with the latest skills to be agile enough to adapt to the fast-changing work environment. Learning & Development is often a key tool in employee retention. For those involved in Read More

2023-10-10T14:34:28+01:00October 10, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends|

Managing Partners’ Forum Strategy Summit

Thanks to the Managing Partners' Forum  Strategy Summit at haysmacintyre earlier this week. My takeaways from the insightful facilitators and panellists were: Recruitment of lawyers is down on previous years whereas business support is up Increase in tax hires in law firms Increase in marketing roles (exceeding 2019 numbers) Whilst Read More

2023-07-13T15:45:33+01:00July 13, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

Research update on the most in-demand soft skills

Following my past research (some of which was published in my 2020 book Essential soft skills for lawyers ( I keep an eye out for the latest information relating to the soft skills (particularly leadership skills) most in demand and how these relate to the professional services sector. So here Read More

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