strategic marketing

Introducing the marketing planning process into a professional service firm

At the recent “Marketing planning in a nutshell” training workshop, the focus was on the best way to introduce a marketing planning process into a professional service firm. While many of the larger professional service firms have sophisticated marketing and business development planning processes, some smaller firms are still Read More

2018-03-20T13:45:26+00:00March 20, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Strategy|

Marketing planning in a nutshell

I provide many public training courses on marketing planning in a nutshell. But questions about marketing planning arise in many other public and in-house training courses on business development, referrer management and social selling. And of course people ask me for a standard marketing plan template. But it’s rarely as Read More

How does the marketing team drive the new client agenda?

At this year's Professional Marketing Conference I've been teamed up with Kevin Doolan  who is a partner at law firm Eversheds with responsibility for managing major client relationships and business development training. Prior to joining the management team in 2001, Kevin obtained an MBA at Henley. He negotiated the sole Read More

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