strategy case study

Professional services marketing/BD case studies – Moore Kingston Smith, Mazars, Capsticks, Fladgate, Travers Smith, Mills & Reeve and brand awards

To support my training courses and workshops, I keep an eye out for interesting marketing and business development case studies. Today I summarise professional services marketing/BD case studies - Moore Kingston Smith, Mazars, Fladgate, Travers Smith, Mills & Reeve. There are case studies of thought leadership, branding, pricing and strategy. Read More

Book review: How to become the firm of choice by Robert J Lees and August J Aquila (strategy development)

This book review of "How to become the firm of choice" on strategy development in PSFs appeared in Professional Marketing magazine in the September 2017 edition. This book tells a story. In the form of a case study. It joins a mid-sized (21 partner) law firm on its two year Read More

2024-04-16T20:48:06+01:00September 4, 2017|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|
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