Stress management

The art of giving feedback

The art of giving feedback arises in training workshops on change management, team development, performance management, delegation and coaching. Here is a summary of the key points to bear in mind.  Feedback defined Effective feedback means “Paying attention and giving high-quality feedback from an empathic place, stepping into the other Read More

2018-06-18T10:50:17+01:00June 18, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Change management and creativity – Why a third adapt more easily

Successful professional service firms are those that have great leaders who can help their people anticipate and adapt to change quickly. So an article by Nick Tasler ( explaining why one in three adapt to change more easily caught my eye. The article refers to work by psychologist Salvatore Maddi Read More

2019-08-01T11:13:31+01:00July 15, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Employee Benefits in law firms – All about the money rather than well-being?

I recently did some work on The Lawyer’s employee workplace benefits research into 70 law firms that resulted in articles in both The Lawyer (15 June 2015) and Employee Benefits (July/August 2015) magazines. The overall findings were that there was less flexibility and innovation in employee benefits in Read More

2016-04-13T12:30:53+01:00August 20, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Future Marketing Managers need some Finnish “Sisu” or Japanese “Ganbaru” for success

At the Professional Marketing Forum training session for Future Marketing Managers  last week I talked about the Finnish quality of “Sisu”. Future Marketing Managers need some Finnish “Sisu” or Japanese “Ganbaru” for success. There isn’t a direct translation in English of this special quality which is part of the Finnish Read More

2024-06-07T09:39:47+01:00April 20, 2015|Kim's Blog, Marketing|
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