
Update on event management

Most professional services firms use events as an integral part of their marketing and business development (MBD) campaigns. And many firms have MBD professionals who focus solely on event management. So it was good to hear the July CIM webinar which was dedicated to event management. Richard John | Read More

Book review: Transformational Mentoring – creating developmental alliances for changing organizational cultures (1995) by Julie Hay

I’m reviewing some of the latest books on mentoring (reviews will be published soon) and I remembered this book. I read it back in 2000, during my studies to qualify as a professional coach/mentor. The author admits that it isn’t a book for beginners. But it had a huge impact Read More

2024-07-24T15:39:42+01:00July 24, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Private client commercial conversations

At a recent business conversation skills session, private client and family lawyers asked about the nature of commercial conversations with individual clients (as opposed to business clients). These private clients are often high net worth (or ultra high net worth). So here are some thoughts on private client commercial conversations. Read More

2025-01-08T16:11:57+00:00March 27, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Statistics and trends|
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