Management Skills

Creativity – the experts’ view

The favourite of all the many courses I have studied was the creativity and innovation module in my MBA. So it was interesting to read about a creativity roundtable of leading academics from innovation, psychology and creative writing backgrounds in a recent edition of the Open University’s Open Minds magazine. Read More

2015-12-11T17:41:39+00:00July 20, 2012|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Mischcon de Reya – a law firm that seems to have got it right?

As I have blogged before about Mischon de Reya, (most recently and it was interesting to read the article about the firm in a recent edition of The Lawyer Some of the key themes that emerge as to the key to its success include: A strong managing partner Read More

2013-08-08T19:57:23+01:00July 20, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

Reflections on Managing Change and Leadership (with book list)

At the start of July, I ran another of the popular PM courses on “Managing Change and Leadership” As usual, I promised the delegates a summary from the session and the delay was due to me reviewing a new book on Managing Change (see below). We started the session with Read More

FT/MPF – Client feedback on effective legal, accounting, property and consulting relationships

On Friday I trotted along to the offices of Smith & Williamson to hear from the second Financial Times/Managing Partner Forum research by Meridian West (formerly Lighthouse) into effective client adviser relationships. Richard Chaplin mentioned that professional services is the largest sector in the UK and the only one to have Read More

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