Relationship Management

Telephone call challenges: Emotions, data, selling and follow up

Accountants, lawyers, paralegals, patent attorneys and financial advisers (both professional advisors and dedicated business development professionals) joined me at an MBL workshop on telephone skills for client service and selling. We explored the fundamentals of relationships, managing inbound calls and planning outbound calls. This article supplements the learning resources from Read More

2023-10-19T15:00:13+01:00October 19, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management, Selling|

Referrer Management – Capacity and Capability

This article is a summary of the conversation and key takeaways from a workshop in London for MBL.  Delegates included both partners and business development professionals (some with a banking background) from law firms (employment, criminal, disputes, offshore), accountancy practices (audit, forensic, insolvency and restructuring and financial services. Some were Read More

Preparing M&BD professionals for the future – learning, skills and knowledge transfer

At the 28th PM Forum Annual Conference  in September I (in my capacity as Head of Training and Learning Transfer of the Managing Partners’ Forum and PM Forum), co-presented breakout sessions with Julie McConnell of international law firm White & Case. Our focus was on the accelerating change in the Read More

Leadership conversation skills: SCARF model of neuroscience in social interactions, collaboration and relationships

I first mentioned SCARF in an article about neuroscience and leadership Leadership: Lessons from Star Trek and Neuroscience - Kim Tasso back in 2012. There David Rock talked about the neuroscience of leadership - the need to still your mind, improve emotional regulation, watch non-verbal signals and take care with Read More

2023-10-01T15:32:48+01:00October 1, 2023|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|
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