
Marketing in a time of Coronavirus – Pragmatic ideas

“Love in a time of Cholera” by Gabriel García Márquez is a great book. It reflects many themes we are experiencing today such as the Coronavirus plague and the attempts to maintain relationships across great distances. So what about marketing in a time of Coronavirus? Once professional service firms transitioned Read More

Accountancy marketing case study – How KPMG influenced £35 million in new business by blending digital and offline media

This blog summarises information published when KPMG won a B2B marketing award for the “Changing futures” best multichannel campaign in 2018  and a talk provided by Daniel Sullivan of KPMG at the September 2019 Professional Marketing Forum Annual Conference. This accountancy marketing case study – How KPMG influenced £35 million Read More

2020-03-05T13:01:55+00:00March 5, 2020|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy|

Conference report: “You haven’t heard it all before” Professional Marketing Forum conference September 2019 (Innovation, procurement, campaigns, creativity, assertiveness)

This conference report on the Professional Marketing Forum conference September 2019 was published in the November edition of Professional Marketing magazine  Lucy Canning of Grant Thornton UK kicked off proceedings by challenging the “echo chamber of assumptions” in professional services marketing and suggesting that we “tear up the rule Read More

2019-11-11T10:21:04+00:00November 11, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Google and social media advertising

Working predominantly with business-to-business (B2B) professional services firms, there is little opportunity to do much advertising. Most of the firms I work with focus on generating online interest through content management and search strategies although social media advertising is becoming increasingly popular with some law, accountancy and property firms. I’m Read More

2018-04-05T15:30:14+01:00April 5, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Social Media, Web Sites|
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