
Marketing to the elderly – for lawyers and accountants

I wrote the lead article on “Marketing to the elderly” in Private Client Adviser magazine back in September 2008 and have worked with the private client teams of many law firms since then. So it was nice to be invited to address accountants on the subject at the “Elderly Read More

Do perfect pitches need proper processes?

I’m just back from a fabulous session with lots of marketers and business developers from law firms, accountants and wealth managers at the PM Forum training session on “Helping fee-earners prepare the perfect pitch”. Thank you Addleshaw Goddard for hosting the event – your breakfast and hospitality staff were amongst Read More

2021-04-11T20:19:46+01:00October 8, 2015|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|

Legal market research – The Lawyer’s In-house Attitudes Report

Earlier this year I worked on some legal market research with The Lawyer magazine to analyse the huge amount of data collected from 530 in-house lawyers for the fourth In-house attitudes survey. My executive summary of that report was published in June 2015 and the main points were as follows: Read More

2015-09-09T17:15:04+01:00September 9, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Statistics and trends|

Where do I start? Business Development for Lawyers (MBL Private Client Training July 2015)

At a recent MBL seminar on “Developing and sustaining your private client practice” a delegate said that while she found the day really good, she had so many ideas that she didn’t know where to start. So this blog post is for her. 1. Understand the numbers Make friends Read More

2015-07-21T11:15:01+01:00July 21, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Strategy|
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