Business Development

Use the 6Rs to generate more referrals – Referrer management

For lawyers, accountants and surveyors in a network of offices, the challenge of generating referrals (cross-selling) will be all too familiar. Extend the network into strategic alliances and across other firms and the problem is compounded. Referrer management is an important but tricky activity. It’s a multi-faceted issue, and there is Read More

Understanding General Counsel – Four recent research reports

There were four research reports to help us understanding General Counsel (in-house lawyers) published recently. Each drew out some surprising findings: Nabarro’s third annual general counsel report (surveying 100 GCs from FTSE listed and large private companies) indicated that 75% were keen to receive further training on influencing. GCs from Kellogg, Misys and Sony Read More

Book review: Let’s get real or let’s not play – The demise of dysfunctional selling and the advent of helping clients succeed (Mahan Khalsa)

I reviewed this book (Let's get real or let's not play - The demise of dysfunctional selling) back in March 2003 for Professional Marketing magazine but as a couple of people have asked about Frank Covey sales techniques lately I thought it was worth digging it out again. As well Read More

Advanced social media use amongst lawyers, accountants and surveyors

I have been involved in social media almost since its inception. Initially, when I was asked to help firms it was often for training in terms of basic awareness of the main tools and helping people set up appropriate profiles. There was little appetite for using social media to support Read More

Helping fee-earners prepare the perfect pitch

Earlier this week I led the first of a new training session on this topic (Helping fee-earners prepare the perfect pitch) with 18 delegates representing global law firms, medium sized law firms, accountancy practices, economists and actuaries with varied experience of pitching and selling. Initial discussions centred around the challenges. The Read More

2015-01-28T13:29:49+00:00November 8, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling|
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