Communication skills

Getting what you want and how to say “No” – Assertiveness skills

In many of the courses I run for the Professional Marketing Forum, the topic of assertiveness arises. Sometimes this relates to people needing the confidence to speak up and share ideas or to challenge requests. Often it relates to finding ways to decline or modify inappropriate requests – how Read More

2017-03-15T10:10:31+00:00March 15, 2017|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

The power of three in personal introductions (BrandMe)

There is a short video about Power of three - Writing and presentation basics (Video) ( And I’ve written before about the power of three when developing a persuasive presentation. See, for example, a review of a book on the topic Book review - The presentation book by Emma Ledden Read More

Coaching skills – the importance of active listening

At the recent coaching skills course for Professional Marketing Forum  delegates studied and practised a variety of coaching skills including: contracting, process, exploring/questioning, providing feedback and perspective, reframing, problem solving, goal setting, action planning and motivation. But what generated the most interest amongst the mid and senior level managers was Read More

2024-06-27T16:26:12+01:00November 27, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Two big guns of communication – Face-time and reframing

At a recent workshop for “Practical and professional skills for marketing and business development assistants”  I asked the participants for their views on the most important practical tips that they were taking away. They picked two – one might argue obvious - techniques to help them improve their communications with partners Read More

2023-09-23T16:27:32+01:00March 7, 2013|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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