
Content development – Get blood out of a stone

At a recent effective writing course I led for PM Forum the issue causing most concern for delegates was getting content out of busy lawyers, accountants and surveyors. Content development was described as being like getting blood out of stone. So here are some ideas to help get that Read More

2016-03-20T16:14:50+00:00March 20, 2016|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|

Marketing planning in a nutshell – Selecting a strategy

At last week’s “Marketing planning in a nutshell” workshop by Professional Marketing Forum the delegates requested that I write a blog on selecting strategies. The first part of the session focused on the marketing audit – analysing internal and external sources of information in order to identify strengths, weakness, Read More

Book Review – Persuasive writing (how to harness the power of words) by Peter Frederick

I review lots of books on persuasive writing (see the list below) to identify those that will prove useful to the lawyers, accountants, surveyors and marketers who attend my writing courses. As the importance of good quality content increases, there is continuing demand for those who can write persuasive copy Read More

2016-01-16T14:11:31+00:00January 16, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Selling|

Marketing to the elderly – for lawyers and accountants

I wrote the lead article on “Marketing to the elderly” in Private Client Adviser magazine back in September 2008 and have worked with the private client teams of many law firms since then. So it was nice to be invited to address accountants on the subject at the “Elderly Read More

7 building blocks of a proactive marketing executive (2015)

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of leading 18 delegates from the legal, accountancy and engineering professions as we explored the personal, professional and technical challenges of becoming a “proactive marketing executive”. Whilst we acknowledge that many marketing and business development professionals necessarily start their careers in Read More

2015-10-07T16:22:40+01:00October 7, 2015|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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