Emotional Intelligence

Book review – HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations by Nancy Duarte

As I am doing a fair amount of training and coaching on presentation pitches at the moment (particularly for actuaries, construction consultants and lawyers), I thought I’d take a look at the various books on presentation skills to recommend to people who ask for additional information. When I started reading Read More

Book review: Let’s get real or let’s not play – The demise of dysfunctional selling and the advent of helping clients succeed (Mahan Khalsa)

I reviewed this book (Let's get real or let's not play - The demise of dysfunctional selling) back in March 2003 for Professional Marketing magazine http://www.pmforum.co.uk/magazine/index.aspx but as a couple of people have asked about Frank Covey sales techniques lately I thought it was worth digging it out again. As well Read More

What is NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)?

As a psychology graduate, I wasn’t that impressed by NLP but perhaps that is because I had already learned much of what it has to offer. I took the trouble to qualify as a practitioner back in 2007 to confirm my views that it is effectively a simplified form of Read More

2024-07-02T17:47:35+01:00July 16, 2012|Kim's Blog, Relationship Management, Selling|

Business development for lawyers – five key insights

Recently, I ran another of the successful Business development for lawyers full day training sessions in London. Unusually, the delegates were predominantly from commercial areas including corporate, property and employment representing a range of small and larger firms from across the UK. Some of their target markets were interesting: aviation, Read More

2014-12-22T16:29:35+00:00June 21, 2012|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling, Social Media, Strategy|

Six top tips for improving personal impact

Last week I joined a web cast presented by an excellent HR consultant that I have worked with in the property sector – Alyson Pellowe (www.pvhr.com @alysonpellowe) where consultant Ian Crocker talked about personal impact. This is a topic about on which I write, train and coach a fair amount so Read More

2013-08-05T23:35:24+01:00February 5, 2012|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|
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