Employee engagement

Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett

The book “Neuroscience for organizational change: an evidence-based practical guide to managing change” by Hilary Scarlett is both intellectually challenging and practical. I would add it to the list of recommended books on change management that should be read by those involved in organizational change programmes whether leaders, human resource Read More

2020-05-27T11:51:38+01:00May 27, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Strategy|

Marketing in a time of Coronavirus – Pragmatic ideas

“Love in a time of Cholera” by Gabriel García Márquez is a great book. It reflects many themes we are experiencing today such as the Coronavirus plague and the attempts to maintain relationships across great distances. So what about marketing in a time of Coronavirus? Once professional service firms transitioned Read More

Book review: The Human Edge – How curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy by Greg Orme

This book “The Human Edge – How curiosity and creativity are your superpowers in the digital economy” by Greg Orme (London Business School, founder of the Centre for Creative Business and with clients including Accenture, EY and Arcadia) is both fascinating and inspiring. Most of us (lawyers, accountants, surveyors or Read More

Managing Partners’ Forum Awards 2020 – Marketing, client service, innovation, learning and culture change

I’ve been one of the judges on the annual Managing Partners’ Forum Awards for many years – across a number of categories. I was invited to attend the Awards dinner (again at the Marriot Grosvenor Square) to celebrate with the short-listed firms across three themes - Client, Community and Business. Read More

2020-03-16T11:10:04+00:00March 16, 2020|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Property|

Why do you need a business plan?

Many of the clients I work with in the legal, accountancy, property and other sectors are relatively small but fast-growing businesses with up to 30 owner-managers. It is surprising the number of them that either don’t have a business plan or have a plan that is out-of-date or that doesn’t Read More

2020-03-02T09:48:27+00:00March 2, 2020|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|
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