Inbound Marketing

Hubspot’s guide on 15 business blogging mistakes

Hubspot is a source of excellent material on most digital marketing topics and this guide is no different – it is available from: - although there were a couple of the 15 points which appeared to duplicate information. One of the most valuable elements of the ebook is the statistics: Read More

Blending online and offline marketing

I have just published a short article on this topic for Delia Venables’ Internet Newsletter for Lawyers. They key points covered include: Listen to the market (research) Attend events (market intelligence/make connections) Follow up Manage your contacts Prioritise your pipeline Promote your referrers and clients Create a campaign Optimise your Read More

Why should you blog? – A video

In a recent exercise with the Open University (where I did my MBA many, many years ago) I was asked the questions “What is a blog?” and “Why do people blog?”. They found it such a useful discussion that they asked me to film the main points and the result Read More

2013-08-01T14:33:05+01:00December 29, 2011|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|

One more time – Why is social media helpful for lawyers, accountants and surveyors?

I am still incredulous at all the hysteria and cynicism when it comes to the subject of social media and the professions. And I am more than a little bit fed up dealing with the confusion that is caused by it amongst ordinary professionals who are just trying to run Read More

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