28th PM Forum Conference: Organisational culture, mentoring, digital distraction, ESG and client experience (2023)

For over 20 years I have attended and reported on the annual Professional Marketing conference. Sometimes I have also presented sessions. The latest conference was reported in the winter edition of PM Magazine. Thanks to editor Matt Baldwin for his assistance. The theme of the 28th conference this year was Read More

2023-11-24T09:58:30+00:00November 24, 2023|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Professional services marketing/BD case studies – Moore Kingston Smith, Mazars, Capsticks, Fladgate, Travers Smith, Mills & Reeve and brand awards

To support my training courses and workshops, I keep an eye out for interesting marketing and business development case studies. Today I summarise professional services marketing/BD case studies - Moore Kingston Smith, Mazars, Fladgate, Travers Smith, Mills & Reeve. There are case studies of thought leadership, branding, pricing and strategy. Read More

Property marketing case study – Thought leadership campaigns: Arcadia, JLL and Remit

I regularly scan the market for examples of great marketing and business development – and I use case studies in workshops and training (not least the “Managing and Marketing a Profitable your Surveyors’ Practice” I present regularly for MBL). Thought leadership is a fantastic strategy to lead integrated, multi-channel campaigns Read More

2022-12-09T11:51:25+00:00December 9, 2022|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Property, Statistics and trends|
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