
Where do I start? Business Development for Lawyers (MBL Private Client Training July 2015)

At a recent MBL seminar on “Developing and sustaining your private client practice” a delegate said that while she found the day really good, she had so many ideas that she didn’t know where to start. So this blog post is for her. 1. Understand the numbers Make friends Read More

2015-07-21T11:15:01+01:00July 21, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Strategy|

Nine takeaways from the second annual Estates Gazette property marketing summit

On 25th June I went along to the fabulous conference venue at 30 Euston Square for the second annual Estates Gazette property marketing conference. It was an interesting line-up of speakers and panellists. Here are my top takeaways (some of which were tweeted under #EGSummit): 1. “Marketing used to be Read More

2015-07-07T19:35:45+01:00July 7, 2015|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Property, Social Media|

10 steps to create a business development campaign

At a recent CLT course on “Business Development for Lawyers” I asked delegates (many of whom where insolvency experts) what they would most like as a follow up blog post. They asked for something that pulled everything together to make it easy for them to create a business development campaign. This is Read More

2015-07-06T17:29:55+01:00July 6, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling, Strategy|

Four themes in referrer management – for lawyers and accountants in the UK and internationally

Intermediary and referrer management was the topic for a full day session at a recent MBL training event in London and also a recent conference session for international accountants in the CPAAI network in Amsterdam. Referrer and intermediary management is one of my key themes this year and I have Read More

2018-01-12T12:22:40+00:00June 19, 2015|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management|
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