
Marketing Technology – To automate or not to automate legal pitch and tender documents? (Enable’s PitchPerfect system)

I have been helping law firms for almost two decades with their major informal pitches and formal tenders. I’m pleased to report that my success rate is almost 100%. I train both marketing/business development people and lawyers themselves in effective sales and pitch techniques. So I was interested to hear Read More

2014-07-07T10:50:33+01:00July 7, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Selling|

We’re all change managers in professional services

At a recent in-house training workshop on “Communication, conflict and negotiation” I explained about different personality, cognitive and relationship styles – and the mind set of fee-earning professionals. We considered how to adapt our approach so that we could create rapport and trust and forge strong relationships with fee-earners. This, Read More

Avoid “New lamps for old” – why the genie of marketing takes some effort

You will remember in Aladdin that the sorcerer tricks Aladdin’s wife into giving up the lamp containing the genie by offering to exchange “new lamps for old”. Perhaps there’s a moral in that story for professional service firms. I’ve noticed that a number of smaller legal, accountancy and property firms Read More

Book review “Conversational riffs – creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management)

Book review “Conversational riffs - creating meaning out of conflict” by Neil Denny (Conflict management). Psychologists say that successful relationships have the following elements: A safe place from which to explore Repair after rupture Communication Neil’s book on conflict management offers some great insights and help primarily in the second Read More

2022-05-31T09:15:55+01:00April 1, 2012|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Relationship Management|
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