
A beginner’s guide to LinkedIn for lawyers, accountants and surveyors

As a result of the White Paper on selling and social media for the professions (see 15th December 2010) and the blogs on why and how to use Twitter in December 2009 several of my clients (including the barristers) have asked for a beginner’s guide to LinkedIn for lawyers, accountants and surveyors as Read More

2018-01-24T13:28:18+00:00January 25, 2011|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Selling, Social Media|

Business Development Checklist for Junior Professionals

I am often asked to run short training sessions at legal, accountancy and surveying practices with the aim of helping young professionals start their business development activities in support of the firm’s marketing and business development programmes. Here is a summary of some of the ideas provided: Be a good Read More

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