Professional Services Marketing

Consulting skills 1 – Book review: The Art of Consultancy by Calvert Markham

I am often asked which books I recommend on consulting skills. I’m asked both by people contemplating a freelance consultancy career and increasingly by people who have an internal consultant role supporting a change management programme. Having started in a management consultancy (now Deloitte) in 1987, been an independent consultant Read More

2021-08-18T10:35:48+01:00August 6, 2021|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Struggling with segmentation?

This leader article “Struggling with segmentation” was published in the Summer 2021 edition of Professional Marketing Magazine  which is sent free to members of the Professional Marketing Forum. The Covid pandemic thrust marketers into the limelight. Without the face-to-face interactions that are fundamental to so much marketing and Read More

2021-06-30T17:12:44+01:00June 30, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy|

Law firm thought leadership update

Periodically, I scan the media for information about professional service firms thought leadership. Here is a summary of some notable developments – law firm thought leadership update: Davitt Jones Boult, Howard Kennedy, DLA Piper, Moreton Fraser and Stephens Scown.  Davitt Jones Boult (DJB) – Legal real estate boutique (Homes to Read More

2021-06-08T11:31:24+01:00June 8, 2021|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Statistics and trends|

Seven themes on assertiveness, effectiveness and impact – We’re all in the same boat on fee-earner relationships

At a recent PM Forum workshop on “Assertiveness, effectiveness and impact” a key insight was the reassuring realisation that we are all in the same boat on fee-earner relationships. Seven themes on assertiveness, effectiveness and impact emerged on fee-earner relationships (guilt, value, variety, impact, influence, questions and time). 1. Ignore Read More

2021-05-21T17:44:53+01:00May 21, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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