Professional Services Marketing

Vuture – Marketing and relationship management automation in professional services firms

My occasional reviews of marketing technology led me to talk to Jennifer Miller at Vuture about the latest developments in marketing and relationship management automation in professional services firms. What is Vuture? Vuture is a platform that works above CRM database systems including; LexisNexis InterAction, Salesforce, Dynamics, Peppermint and OnePlace, Read More

Professional Marketing Conference Report 2017 – Client focus, technology and disruption

The 22nd Annual Professional Marketing Conference titled “Sharpen your client focus”  took place in September 2017. It was a fine line-up of speakers and sessions including: Andrew Grill of IBM (a practical futurologist) talking about digital disruption, influencer marketing and the importance of LinkedIn for building personal brands An Read More

Effective marketing Secretary: Seven reasons why secretaries make brilliant marketing and BD assistants

One of the longest-running and most popular training courses at the Professional Marketing Forum ( is the effective marketing Secretary or PA. Whilst many people involved in marketing and BD in the professions have a marketing degree or professional marketing qualifications such as CIM and therefore understand the theory and practice Read More

2017-10-24T14:02:16+01:00October 24, 2017|Kim's Blog, Marketing|
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