
Book review: “Developing a business strategy – How to use strategic planning to start up or grow your business” FT Essential Guides by Vaughan Evans

I’ve read numerous books on strategy since before my MBA in 1996 and ever since. There were some good and some poor. As part of preparing for the forthcoming course on “Being more strategic” for PM Forum I needed to select a couple of books to recommend to delegates. Read More

2014-08-19T16:00:04+01:00August 19, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Book Review – “How to think strategically: Your roadmap to innovation and results” by Davide Sola and Jerome Couturier

I’ve read numerous books on strategy since before my MBA in 1996 and ever since. There were some good and some poor. As part of preparing for the forthcoming course on “Being more strategic” for PM Forum I needed to select a couple of books to recommend to delegates. Read More

2014-08-19T15:58:10+01:00August 19, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Client feedback – Insights into general counsel needs (2014 part one)

In each edition, The Lawyer magazine interviews an in-house lawyer or Group Counsel. I picked up the following trends into general counsel needs and selected some highlights to inform those either pitching to or building relationships with similar in-house counsel. Trends The importance of on-the-ground local counsel Use of preferred firms Read More

What are the essential skills for modern marketers?

I was interested to see the Econsultancy research infographic on the essential skills for modern marketers back in May – especially when compared to the recently launched new Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) standards: which is summarised as follows: Core Technical Behaviours Insights Reputation,   risk and compliance Commercially Read More

2014-07-29T15:41:41+01:00July 29, 2014|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends, Strategy|
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