Service delivery

Legal market research – Perceptions and needs of consumers and small businesses

I regularly facilitate a public training session for CLT on “Client care, service excellence and retention” During the workshop we spend time considering various legal market research reports. I have blogged a lot about commercial client research and the needs of general counsel in the past (see the related Read More

2016-04-24T12:37:49+01:00April 24, 2016|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Law Society legal market research 2016 – The future of legal services

This legal market research report was published in January and is a cracking example of comprehensive SLEPT (or PEST) and market attractiveness analyses that will be valuable to any law firm strategic planning process. It’s a whopping 64 pages and it’s worth its weight in gold. It identifies five clusters Read More

Satisficing or satisfying? – Take care with client care and relationship management

You need to take care with client care and relationship management. Long ago when I studied economics I was intrigued by the idea of satisificing – (combines satisfying and sufficing) a decision making strategy that attempts to meet the criteria for adequacy rather than an optimal solution. Others might think Read More

2018-01-12T12:03:15+00:00March 16, 2010|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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