
Creative sector overlooked in Tech sector love-in?

Has the creative sector been overlooked in the rush to develop the tech sector? Back in April, The Director magazine published an article featuring Doug Richard of Dragon’s Den fame. He argued that business must “pay more than lip service to the £36b pa industry that’s the envy of Read More

2013-09-18T18:13:50+01:00September 18, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Economic update from David Smith (Sunday Times) at the BCO President’s Lunch

I was delighted to be invited by a property lawyer former colleague and Non-Executive Chairman of Irwin Mitchell solicitor’s Business Legal Services, London to the British Council for Offices (BCO) President’s Lunch at The Dorchester yesterday. It was a great opportunity to catch up briefly with some real estate “old Read More

2013-09-30T09:21:16+01:00September 18, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Property, Statistics and trends|

Conference review: CLT’s “Managing and marketing a profitable private client practice” 2013

Today I attended CLT’s “Managing and marketing a profitable private client practice” as I was presenting a paper on pricing. I’ve presented at previous conferences, but today I was able to listen to the majority of the other presentations and thought I’d share the nuggets and highlights. Opening remarks Helen Read More

2013-09-05T10:03:45+01:00September 4, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy|

Book Review: Valuable content marketing by Sonja Jefferson and Sharon Tanton

I’ve just written a review of this book for PM Magazine My conclusion? This is a quick read for those who are trying to get their head around content marketing for the first time and how to integrate all the elements of their marketing and sales campaigns (i.e. their Read More

2013-09-04T21:40:33+01:00June 11, 2013|Kim's Blog|
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