
Marketing to the elderly – for lawyers and accountants

I wrote the lead article on “Marketing to the elderly” in Private Client Adviser magazine back in September 2008 and have worked with the private client teams of many law firms since then. So it was nice to be invited to address accountants on the subject at the “Elderly Read More

Legal market research – The Lawyer’s In-house Attitudes Report

Earlier this year I worked on some legal market research with The Lawyer magazine to analyse the huge amount of data collected from 530 in-house lawyers for the fourth In-house attitudes survey. My executive summary of that report was published in June 2015 and the main points were as follows: Read More

2015-09-09T17:15:04+01:00September 9, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Statistics and trends|

Employee Benefits in law firms – All about the money rather than well-being?

I recently did some work on The Lawyer’s employee workplace benefits research into 70 law firms that resulted in articles in both The Lawyer (15 June 2015) and Employee Benefits (July/August 2015) magazines. The overall findings were that there was less flexibility and innovation in employee benefits in Read More

2016-04-13T12:30:53+01:00August 20, 2015|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills|

Professional Service Firms: Reflections on 2014 – Actions for 2015

I produced an overview of my work during the year (see but have summarised below three key reflections on the year and thus the main focus for action in 2015 for professional service firms: 1. Lead with strategy – Some have it. Many don’t. Everyone talks about it. Industries Read More

2014-12-23T09:45:05+00:00December 23, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Video in the marketing mix – Legal video awards and trends for 2015

A couple of months ago, as one of the judges on Legal IT Insider’s Legal Industry Video Awards 2014, I had the privilege of watching over 50 videos from law firms and their technology providers. The winners can be viewed here: Well done to the winners and runners up. Read More

2014-12-22T09:41:11+00:00December 22, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|
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