
About Kim Tasso

Strategy consultant. BD & Marketing trainer. Psychologist. Qualified coach. Author of seven books. NED. Trustee. Londoner.

Client Experience Management CEM – Lessons from John Lewis and other consumer services (Law Society Law Management Conference 2017)

I recently attended The Law Society’s Law Management Section conference (#LMSConf2017 There were lots of excellent presentations and this blog (one of three about the event) summarises the information relating to Client Experience Management (CEM) and what we can learn for professional services marketing. Andrew McMillan (@EngagingService) was formerly Read More

Growing a surveyors’ practice – Five golden rules? (February 2017)

In February I presented another of the successful MBL training courses “Managing and marketing a profitable surveyors’ practice” in Dublin, Ireland. It was interesting that the majority of the themes and issues raised during these sessions in the UK were raised at the session – despite the rather different economic Read More

2017-04-18T14:22:22+01:00April 18, 2017|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Future Marketing Manager – Brands, plans, teams, curiosity and creativity (April 2017)

Lewis Silkin solicitors were kind enough to host the recent “Future Marketing Manager” training session (for future dates see: The marketing and business development delegates from legal, accountancy, property and recruitment businesses had a busy day. Here are their thoughts on the key lessons for a future marketing manager.  Read More

2017-04-06T15:25:11+01:00April 6, 2017|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Accountancy marketing case study: Haines Watts accountants “For Love or Money” thought leadership campaign

I interviewed Sam Davies, Group Head of Marketing at Haines Watts (HWCA), to obtain an accountancy marketing case study on the firm’s thought leadership campaign “For Love or Money – the secret life of the business owner”. About Sam and Haines Watts Sam has worked at Haines Watts for over Read More

2017-04-06T11:41:08+01:00April 6, 2017|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Marketing, Strategy, Web Sites|

Persuasive writing tips – Five technical questions

During a recent MBL persuasive writing course in Manchester we addressed many of the same issues as on previous writing courses (see, for example: and and But there were also some specific questions which the delegates asked me to address in a blog post on persuasive writing Read More

2017-03-31T15:46:56+01:00March 31, 2017|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Psychology|
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