
About Kim Tasso

Strategy consultant. BD & Marketing trainer. Psychologist. Qualified coach. Author of seven books. NED. Trustee. Londoner.

Legal Marketing Case Study: "Hot on family law" at Rayden Solicitors

The latest legal marketing case study for the Marvellous Marketing series at Legal Technology Insider: With the legal news full of stories of woe about the demise of so many small law firms it is heartening to hear about success – such as growing from a part-time sole practitioner Read More

Legal Marketing Case Study: “Hot on family law” at Rayden Solicitors

The latest legal marketing case study for the Marvellous Marketing series at Legal Technology Insider: With the legal news full of stories of woe about the demise of so many small law firms it is heartening to hear about success – such as growing from a part-time sole practitioner Read More

UK accountancy market trends

There was an interesting piece on growth and UK accountancy market trends in Accountancy Age on 13 January looking at the trends within top 100 accountancy practices ( The main points were: There were 12 new entrants into the market – in some ways this is encouraging as it shows Read More

2014-01-24T09:52:10+00:00January 24, 2014|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Book Review: Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

This topic continues to generate an increasing amount of interest as the importance of emotional intelligence (aka soft skills) for leadership, management, marketing, selling and client relationship management becomes more generally known. There are many resources on this web site on the topic (use the search facility) and I provided Read More

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