
Strategic drift – a risk for partnerships

In most of the courses I teach and the coaching provided to senior lawyers, accountants and surveyors I talk about the importance of having a firm-wide strategy. Even if it is merely an “umbrella strategy” of overall parameters about how the equity partners hope that the firm will develop and Read More

2021-04-10T16:15:13+01:00December 29, 2011|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

One more time – Why is social media helpful for lawyers, accountants and surveyors?

I am still incredulous at all the hysteria and cynicism when it comes to the subject of social media and the professions. And I am more than a little bit fed up dealing with the confusion that is caused by it amongst ordinary professionals who are just trying to run Read More

Short listed for CIM Women in Marketing Greater London Award

As I am always encouraging my clients and colleagues to enter into awards (both to have their achievements recognised and for the positive PR), I was somewhat surprised (and absolutely delighted) to hear today that I have been shortlisted in the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Women in Marketing Greater London Read More

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