Kim’s Blog

Creativity 6 – Doodling is good

This is one of a series of blogs on problem solving, creative thinking and creativity to support a number of public and in-house training courses on the subject with regards to strategy and business development. Please let me know ( if you would like further details of half and full Read More

2014-09-16T11:55:07+01:00September 16, 2014|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

2014 CIM professional marketing qualifications syllabus changes

I recently wrote about the new marketing standards from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) I wrote about the previous changes to the CIM professional qualifications syllabus in 2009 and have written on a number of occasions about alternative digital qualifications and courses (see, for example: and Read More

2014-09-11T16:50:28+01:00September 11, 2014|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Statistics and trends|

Family Law – Working dads at City Fathers

I have a long association with the single father organisations Onlydads (see, for example the Westminster Fathers debate and also the research into the cost of divorce . Dadshouse is a related organisation for single dads. So I was interested to see that a new members Read More

2014-09-10T16:09:12+01:00September 10, 2014|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Statistics and trends|
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