I was delighted to present the first (fully booked!) Professional Marketing Forum “Coaching and consulting skills for marketing and BD” workshop earlier this month. This post includes some of the key points arising from the coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop as well as signposting resources requested by the delegates. The next presentation of this course is in February 2022
Use of coaching and consulting skills by M&BD professionals
The delegates had a variety of reasons for wishing to develop their coaching and consulting skills, including:
- Make the transition of M&BD from a reactive service to proactive advice
- Help fee-earners acquire and practice new approaches and skills
- Learn how to have more influence with fee-earners
- Help fee-earners develop and achieve their M&BD, personal and professional goals
- Influence M&BD strategy
- Achieve Trusted Advisor status within the practice (read about trust and Trusted Advisor)
- Shift to long term relationships with fee-earners to support long term performance improvement
- Overcome the challenges of digital and remote helping relationships
- Provide more one-to-one support to fee-earners
One delegate commented that M&BD professionals need to be seen as professionals in their own right with expertise and skills to add value to the firm and that coaching and consulting were key ways to achieve this.
One of the breakout sessions considered the changing role of M&BD professionals with comments about:
- fast-changing environment and markets
- changing partner attitudes and expectations
- increasing client sophistication
- need to co-ordinate and integrate the efforts of multiple teams
- shift to hybrid models of working and relationships
- need for one-to-one advice and support for all levels of fee-earners
- changing role of fee-earners
- changing client perceptions
- shift from transactional to relationship models
- adapting to digital disruption
- increasingly competitive environment
Prepare and conduct coaching sessions
Another breakout group discussed how best to prepare for and conduct coaching sessions with fee-earners. Key points included:
- Ensure there was sufficient empathy, rapport and trust to allow a helping relationship to be effective
- Advance research and fact-finding to understand the markets, clients and past performance
- Understand the context of relevant business plans and M&BD plans for the individual
- Work with HR teams to align coaching with competency frameworks, appraisal and feedback processes
- Access assessment tools for topics such as personality, emotional intelligence, learning styles etc
- Identify appropriate learning and development resources
- Prepare structured questions (perhaps using the GROW model) to guide the analysis, discovery and action planning processes
- Learn about the confidence and comfort levels of the people being coached to tailor the approach accordingly
- Adapt the process for senior/experienced and junior/less experienced fee-earners and accommodating different generational preferences
- The importance of building confidence by considering what has been achieved and strengths as well as what needs to be accomplished
- Encourage the person being coached to identify possible strategies and options
- Agree realistic and achievable short term goals – in bite-sized pieces – as well as longer term goals that would ensure action and motivation
- Signpost learning resources to help the people develop the required knowledge and skills
- Set out a path for monitoring progress and results
Identify Adaptors and Innovators
We talked about whether fee-earners were more likely to be adapters than innovators (using Kirton’s Innovator-Adapter model). The majority felt their fee-earners were adaptors. This means that we need to adapt our approach to this more “rule-following” behaviour.
I use the model of predictable pigeons and maverick magpies to explain this in a short video. I believe that the best leadership teams have a combination of both types. This view is supported by the work of Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters who use the term aggregators and visionaries. This video about their concept in “Rocket Fuel” explains why entrepreneurial businesses need both.
Develop motivation
Various polls revealed that one of the biggest challenges was in harnessing and maintaining fee-earner motivation in pursuing the agreed actions from both coaching and consulting programmes. Often, this was due to the target and reward system focusing exclusively on fee income generation. Sometimes, this was due to a lack of capacity as client demands usually trump all other actions.
There is material on motivation:
- motivation for marketing in professional service firms (kimtasso.com)
- Self-Motivation – Ten top tips (Video) from Kim Tasso
- Motivating people in a property business (kimtasso.com)
- Small changes that spark big influence (persuasion science) (kimtasso.com)
- change management and organisational change (kimtasso.com)
- Changing behaviour in the workplace to boost productivity – psychology (kimtasso.com)
Of course, the other side of the coin to motivation is resistance.
Be more consultant
Being an internal consultant is never easy. The final exercise of the session saw three groups competing to “sell” their consultancy project to a fictional managing partner. Some of the highlights of these mini-pitches were:
- Successful identification – and engagement of – both the “client” and the stakeholders
- The role (and skills and contribution) of the consultancy team, their terms of reference and the scope of the project
- How the consultancy project required collaboration between the consultant and those seeking a solution
- Clarity in the stages of and reasons for each step in the consultancy project and process (see project management in marketing)
- An explanation of the data, interviews and research required to diagnose the issues
- Preliminary insights and ideas for innovation (see innovation in marketing)
- How the consultants will “walk with” the clients on the journey of discovery and solution development process
- Certainty about the resources, costs and timelines involved
- Anticipation of likely barriers and obstacles to the project
- The expected deliverables
- Key points and processes for engagement, consultation and decision-making
- The identification of any possible “quick wins” in the project
- A focus on the results and outcomes (benefits) rather than the consulting project and process
- Creation of a compelling vision of what success would look like
Coaching resources
- This short video introduces three basic coaching models
- Understanding limiting assumptions
- Leadership and emotional intelligence – Coaching is one of the 12 domains for EQ for leaders
When researching my 2020 book on “Essential soft skills for lawyers” – coaching skills featured strongly.
Coaching books
There are numerous books – from introductory to advanced – on coaching skills. The following is an initial list of those I have previously reviewed:
- Key Coaching Models by Stephen Gibson
- Helping people change: Coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten
Other books worth mentioning (further details of these coaching books)
- The manager as coach and mentor – Eric Parsloe
- Coaching and mentoring: practical methods to improve learning – Eric Parsloe and Monika Wray
- Coaching for performance – John Whitmore
- Mentoring in action – David Megginson and David Clutterbuck
- Mentoring executives and directors – David Clutterbuck and David Megginson
Coaching qualifications
A few people asked for details of organisations providing coaching qualifications. Make sure you find a course that provides the training and accreditation you are likely to need. There are a lot of “life coaching” courses which may not be relevant for the professional services environment.
The following list isn’t exhaustive (and please let me know if you recommend any others):
- I did my post-graduate diploma at OCM and was fortunate to have the late Eric Parsloe as my supervisor.
- Some professional service marketers have transitioned their career with training at Barefoot Coaching
- I have also heard good things about the coaching and behavioural MSc in Coaching for Behavioural Change at Henley Business School
- And also I’ve had good reports of Ashridge Centre for Executive Coaching (ACC) – Hult International Business School) which provides a Masters degree in Executive Coaching
- You might also check out the Association for Coaching. This organisation publishes a competency framework for coaches and executive coaches
- There are short courses (3-5 days) covering: Certificate in Coaching, Certificate in Stress Management and Performance Coaching and Certificate in Psychological Coaching/Coaching Psychology at Centre for Coaching, London. But I have no information about the quality of these courses.
- Insead Business School also provides short certificate courses in coaching It also provides an executive Master in Change degree programme
- ILM (Institute for Leadership and Management) also provides various coaching and mentoring qualifications – including apprenticeships
Consulting books
I reviewed three books on consulting during summer 2021 – an introductory level book, the “consultant’s bible” by Peter Block and a more advanced view of process consulting
The main associations for consultants in the UK are:
- The Management Consultancies Association (MCA) is the voice of UK consulting sector. It provides a Chartered Management Consultant Award
- The Institute of Consulting (IC) is part of the CMI (Chartered Management Institute) which offers the Chartered Management Consultant accreditation
- There is also the Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC) which offers a Chartered Management Consultant ® (ChMC) Program
There are numerous articles and book reviews on change management too:
- Change management basics – personal and organisational change (kimtasso.com)
- change process – Emotions when reacting to change (kimtasso.com)
- Change management – Change Catalyst book review by Kim Tasso
- Change management and Employee engagement (kimtasso.com)
- change management and organisational change (kimtasso.com)
- thoughts on managing change and leadership (kimtasso.com)
- Change management and creativity – the adaptive third (kimtasso.com)
- Change management – Millennials, metaphors and resistance (kimtasso.com)
- Your personal transition – Endings, neutral zone and new beginnings (kimtasso.com)
- Change management book – Switch (Chip & Dan Heath) (kimtasso.com)
- 6 top tips for change management – Kim Tasso
- Dealing with resistance to change (kimtasso.com)
- Changing behaviour in the workplace to boost productivity – psychology (kimtasso.com)
- Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett (kimtasso.com)
- Be more strategic – creating behaviour change – Kim Tasso
Poll results
During the workshop we ran a number of polls, and here are the poll results for the delegates to reflect on.
Which sector are you from?
- Legal 69% (11)
- Accountants 19% (3)
- Property 0%
- Consultancy 6% (1)
- Other 6% (1)
How would you rate your relationships with fee-earners?
- Really poor 0%
- Poor 0%
- Average 31% (5)
- Good 44% (7)
- Excellent 25% (4)
Area most needed to develop to start coaching and consulting?
- How I am perceived 35% (6)
- Technical skills 18% (3)
- Attributes 12% (2)
- Knowledge 24% (4)
- “Soft” skills 12% (2)
At what stage must you be in the relationship to start coaching and consulting?
- Acknowledgement 0%
- Understanding 6% (1)
- Acceptance 22% (4)
- Respect 33% (6)
- Trust 33% (6)
- Bond 6% (1)
Biggest challenge developing relationships with fee-earners?
- Stubbornness 5% (1)
- Arrogance/Anger 0%
- Fixed views/closed mind 42% (8)
- Their lack of time 47% (9)
- Our (perceived) lack of understanding 5% (1)
Coaching process biggest challenge?
- Identify challenges, vision, goals 11% (2)
- Explore the situation 6% (1)
- Develop different strategies/options 17% (3)
- Agree short/medium term plans 11% (2)
- Signpost learning resources 0%
- Motivation to commit to actions 56% (10)
- Assess and support progress 0%
Which is the most important coaching skill?
- Problem-solving/idea generation 6% (1)
- Questions/listening 50% (9)
- Providing feedback 6% (1)
- Guiding/teaching 22% (4)
- Goal setting/motivation 17% (3)
How would you assess psychological safety at your firm?
(A brilliant book on this topic is The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth by Amy C. Edmondson)
- Excellent 0%
- Good 53% (10)
- OK 37% (7)
- Poor 11% (2)
- Really poor 0%
Which consulting skill you most need to develop?
- EQ/Emotional Intelligence 0%
- Analysis and diagnosis 19% (3)
- Commerciality 13% (2)
- Collaboration 0%
- Influence/persuasion 25% (4)
- Problem-solving/creativity 25% (4)
- Project planning/management 13% (2)
Which part of the consulting process is the most challenging?
- Entry 6% (1)
- Contracting 13% (2)
- Diagnosis 13% (2)
- Intervention 69% (11)
- Closure 0%
When presenting ideas and solutions, the biggest challenge is:
- Achieving consensus/buy in 24% (4)
- Managing disagreement 18% (3)
- Dealing with fixed views 12% (2)
- Managing involvement 18% (3)
- Confidence in outcome/results 6% (1)
- Justifying investment 6% (1)
- Cultural/structural issues 18% (3)