I usually reserve this blog to write about work related issues but I am making an exception.
Earlier this week a senior partner at a firm I work with calmly and without drama announced that a close family member was attending tests for a life threatening condition the next day. We were all taken completely by surprise – both at the shock of the awful announcement and the composure of the partner.
He sent a short email subsequently to say that whilst it was not the immediately life threatening condition feared, it was degenerative and life limiting. We were all humbled by the way he accepted with good grace the awful prognosis and thanked us for our support.
It just made me want to remind everyone that whilst careers, work, money, deals. projects and markets are important – actually, facing the prospect of premature death puts it all in perspective.
So take some time out NOW to be with your loved ones. For they, ultimately, are what it is really all about. And sacrifice, please, a few of those potentially billable hours to enjoy some of the simple pleasures we often miss each day just in case life rudely and cruelly interrupts.
- Published On: April 2, 2024
- Published On: November 2, 2023
- Published On: March 24, 2023
- Future Marketing Manager - Books, influence and careers
- Training options for turning a PA into a marketing assistant
- Top 10 tips in marketing communications - Marketing and BD assistants share their knowledge
- Career coaching and counselling – with Kim Tasso
- Checklist: 25 practical and professional skills for marketing and business development assistants (2015)
- Key thoughts from marketing and business development assistants (2016)
- Effective marketing Secretary: Seven reasons why secretaries make brilliant marketing and BD assistants
- What marketing and business development assistants would like to say to their fee-earners
- 20 ideas to improve impact, assertiveness and effectiveness for marketing and BD assistants and executives
- Six insights from marketing and business development assistants
- Six themes for Proactive Marketing and BD Executives (2019) – Careers, Communications, Difficulties, Goals, Expertise and Mind sets
- Emerging marketing and business development roles – taking responsibility for future-proofing your career
- 25th Professional Marketing Forum Conference Report – ABM, redesigning M&BD teams, award-winning campaigns, persuasion, client feedback and ROI
- Marketing and Business Development Assistants: The impact of Covid
- Proactive Marketing Executive – Plans, Budgets, Relationships and Career Development
- Five pitch insights – M&BD adding value, pitch processes, knowledge base, content production and alternative presentations
- Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021)
- New Marketing and Business Development Assistants – Brands, Digital Marketing and Career Planning
- Book review: How to advance your career in professional services marketing by Dominic Ayres
- Five Spice Girl lessons from a pitching workshop (May 2022)
- Key issues in Marketing and Business Development Planning: Engage, Analyse, Expand, Innovate and Measure
- Book review: Build your digital marketing strategy by Steve Brennan
- Book review: Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field
- Insights into the needs of the latest generation of M&BD Assistants
- Hooks, Headlines and Hard-Wired Words: 11 ideas for better writing
- PM Conference Report 2022: Strategy implementation, Employer Value Propositions (EVP), Storytelling and Client Feedback
- Release time to become a more proactive Marketing and Business Development Executive (November 2022)
- Be more strategic – PESTLE, Positioning and Plans
- 10 Trends – Annual International Marketing Benchmark by PM Forum and Meridian West
- Marketing technology system review – Clean contact data with Cirrom
- Future Marketing/BD Manager – Build resilience to avoid being overwhelmed
- Two 2023 financial benchmarks for law firms: The Law Society/Hazelwoods and the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM)/Crowe
- Book review: Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins
- Coaching and Consulting skills – Limiting beliefs, approaches to helping and marketing consultancy
- The Proactive M&BD Executive – Culture shock, marketing models, fee-earner engagement, qualifications and social media
- Avoid the revolving door - Recruiting and retaining marketing and business development professionals in PSFs
- Published On: March 7, 2023
- Future Marketing Manager - Books, influence and careers
- Future Marketing Manager – The challenges
- Future trends – technology perspectives from Ian Pearson of Futurizon
- The future agenda for marketing in the professions?
- Thought leadership lecture for Laurie Young – The future of the professions
- Law Society legal market research 2016 – The future of legal services
- Future Marketing Manager – Brands, plans, teams, curiosity and creativity (April 2017)
- Future marketing manager – Perception, Motivation and Planning (Oct 2017)
- Future Marketing Manager – T-shaped people, senior promotions and management vs. leadership
- Environmental analysis (SLEPT) and planning - Future of Jobs Report 2018 (impact of technology)
- Future Marketing Manager – A checklist for success and how to get promoted
- Book review: Managing key clients (securing the future of the professional services firm) by Kevin Walker, Paul Denvir and Cliff Ferguson
- Future Marketing Manager – Eight steps to manage virtual teams
- "The State of the Marketing Profession - Past, Present and Future" by Professor Malcolm McDonald
- Emerging marketing and business development roles – taking responsibility for future-proofing your career
- Law Society Research Report - Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030
- Future Marketing (Business Development) Manager – Theory, positive outlook, engaging juniors, planning and emerging opportunities (November 2021)
- Future Marketing (BD) Manager – Ogres, Cacti and Dance the POLCA
- Future Marketing/BD Manager – Build your personal brand and increase your strategic contribution (December 2022)
- Top six leadership qualities?
- Spotlight on Richard Chaplin, PM Forum and Managing Partners’ Forum
- Book review: Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins
- Assertive communication: The importance of voice
- Roles, satisfaction and aspirations of Marketing and Business Development (M&BD) Assistants
- Update on marketing and business development (M&BD) team structures
- The Proactive M&BD Executive – Culture shock, marketing models, fee-earner engagement, qualifications and social media
- Conversation skills book review 1 - How to talk to anyone about anything – James W. Williams
- Book review – Why has nobody told me this before? Dr Julie Smith (Mental Health Guidance)
- Future Marketing Managers need some Finnish “Sisu” or Japanese “Ganbaru” for success
- Internal communication – Why, how and what?
- Non-Executive Directors: Benefits for professional service firms
- Lessons in leadership - personal brand, presence, stages and loneliness
- The art of giving feedback
- 10 takeaways from a workshop on buy-in (Guildford, 2018)
- Book review: “The change catalyst – secrets to successful and sustainable business change” by Campbell MacPherson (Change Management)
- An MBA is great – but you’ll need soft skills to make an impact
- Change management and Employee engagement
- How to facilitate groups
- Animal magic and the art of gaining buy-in: Leeds September 2019
- Book review: Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness by Richard H Thaler and Cass R Sunstein
- Changing behaviour in the workplace to boost productivity – Insights from psychology
- Why do you need a business plan?
- Personal reflections on managing change – Coronavirus is here to stay
- BCO’s Inspirational Leaders – Toby Courtauld of Great Portland Estates
- Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett
- Change management: Your personal transition - Endings, neutral zone and new beginnings
- Impact of Covid on marketing and business development
- Change management basics (Video)
- Why Kim Tasso?
- Managing a surveying practice – Resource management
- 20 insights on change management processes and communication
- Change Management – Heads, Hearts and Hands
- The EAST framework for behavioural nudges in marketing? (Change management)
- Nurture a change management movement – From “Let it go” to “Let it grow”
- Emotional Regulation – A key element of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Self-Motivation – Ten top tips (Video)
- Managing client complaints – Process, anger and apologies
- Book review: The Awareness Code - The secrets to emotional empowerment for incredible leadership by Wayne Linton and Steve Tappin
- The impact of Covid on listening while selling
- Book review – Brilliant personal effectiveness by Douglas Miller
- Next steps in growing a small surveying and property practice
- Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) – the basics (Video)
- Classic management book reviews – The McKinsey way, Good to great, How to manage organisational change and Strategic Selling
- Top six leadership qualities?
- Video – The art of storytelling
- Book review – Why has nobody told me this before? Dr Julie Smith (Mental Health Guidance)
- A general law of interpersonal relationships?
- Valuable resource on change management – The Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) Standard for Change Management
- Don’t jump to conclusions - Coaching and Consulting skills (Expectations, Relationships, Listening, Goals and Implementation (February 2022))
- New Leadership Development Programme from the Managing Partners’ Forum – Consensus through Collaboration
- Coaching and consulting skills for M&BD workshop (November 2021)
- Research on leadership and emotional intelligence (EQ)
- Nine Change Management insights (May 2022)
- Lonely at (or on the way to) the top? Coaching solutions
- Psychology
- Consulting skills 2 – Book review: Flawless Consulting by Peter Block
- Influence – Cialdini’s six principles of the psychology of persuasion (Video)
- Book review: Coaching skills: A handbook by Jenny Rogers
- Seven thoughts on stakeholder management, engagement and buy-In – Workshop summary (April 2021)
- How to facilitate groups – 2 (Herding Cats)
- Law Society Research Report - Future Worlds 2050: images of the future worlds facing the legal profession 2020-2030
- Change management: The change process - Emotions when reacting to change (Video)
- Marketing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – The power of reflection?
- Resources to help you deal with difficult interactions
- Book review: The Management Shift – How to harness the power of people and transform your organization for sustainable success by Vlatka Hlupic
- Animal magic of buy-in and stakeholder engagement (Video)
- Book review – Persuasion: The art of influencing people by James Borg
- Strategy basics – Mission and vision statements with hedgehogs and helicopters (Video)
- Book review: Legacy – What the All Blacks can teach us about the business of life by James Kerr (Leadership, culture, values and change management)
- Review: The GC Index® - a Leadership and Board Assessment tool (organimetric)
- Soft skills: Introduction to coaching – Three frameworks (Video)
- Leadership teams: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons (Video)
- Storytelling book reviews: The Story Advantage by LJ Bloom and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons
- Don’t try to eat the white elephant whole – thoughts on change management and leadership
- Book Review: Helping people change: Coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten
- Change management: Building Resilience – Regulation, Reframing, Relationships and Reflection (Video)
- Published On: March 16, 2020
- Legal Marketing Case Study – Rix & Kay thought leadership in the later life and care sectors
- Thought leadership lecture for Laurie Young – The future of the professions
- Book Review – The Thought Leadership Manual by Tim Prizeman
- Integrated marketing – Joined up sector, KAM and CEM programmes
- Accountancy marketing case study: Haines Watts accountants “For Love or Money” thought leadership campaign
- Legal marketing case studies – Digital marketing at The Law Society Law Management Conference 2017
- Accountancy marketing case study – From client referrals to sectors and social media
- Property marketing case study – Client and key client relationship management at JLL
- Thought leadership, campaigns and project management – Nine insights from a workshop (2017)
- Accountancy marketing case study – Manufacturing and engineering benchmarking thought leadership at MHA
- Property marketing case study – Key points from the EG property marketing conference 2018
- A personal approach to cross-selling
- Thought leadership campaigns and project management: Eight Essentials
- Legal marketing case study: Social media in business development and relationship management: A guide for lawyers by Kim Tasso (Book review)
- Legal marketing case study – Royds Withy King private client wealth proposition and new product Life Safe®
- Property marketing case study – Integrated campaign on farmland value from Savills rural team
- Book review – Advanced Marketing Management: Principles, skills and tools by Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis and Jillian Ney
- Conference report: “You haven’t heard it all before” Professional Marketing Forum conference September 2019 (Innovation, procurement, campaigns, creativity, assertiveness)
- Book Review: The Legal PR Guide – Gaining buy-in to law firm media relations
- Book review: A practitioner’s guide to Account-Based Marketing (ABM) – Accelerating growth in strategic accounts by Bev Burgess with Dave Munn
- Accountancy marketing case study - How KPMG influenced £35 million in new business by blending digital and offline media
- CIM's Innovation in Marketing
- Creativity 8 - From consternation to collaboration: Using creativity to turn problems into opportunities in client service
- BCO’s Inspirational Leaders – Toby Courtauld of Great Portland Estates
- Consulting skills 2 – Book review: Flawless Consulting by Peter Block
- Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett
- Emerging marketing and business development roles – taking responsibility for future-proofing your career
- Update on marketing and business development (M&BD) team structures
- Augmented Reality (AR), Extended Reality (XR) and Virtual Reality (VR) could transform online events
- 20 insights on change management processes and communication
- Change Management – Heads, Hearts and Hands
- The EAST framework for behavioural nudges in marketing? (Change management)
- Digital and soft skills - Microsoft on skills needed for an inclusive economy
- Nurture a change management movement – From “Let it go” to “Let it grow”
- Marketing basics – Marketing audits with onions and pestles (Video)
- Marketing basics – What are the 4Ps and why are they still useful? (Video)
- Book review: How to advance your career in professional services marketing by Dominic Ayres
- Be more strategic – Strategy in a post-Covid19 world
- Consulting skills 1 – Book review: The Art of Consultancy by Calvert Markham
- Leadership teams: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons (Video)
- 10 Trends – Annual International Marketing Benchmark by PM Forum and Meridian West
- Meridian West’s Marketing Leaders Benchmark 2022
- Book review: Neuroscience for learning and development by Stella Collins
- Soft skills: Introduction to coaching – Three frameworks (Video)
- Improve your strategic thinking – Seven insights (2020)
- Book review: The Management Shift – How to harness the power of people and transform your organization for sustainable success by Vlatka Hlupic
- Book review: Executive Engagement Strategies – how to have conversations and develop relationships that build B2B relationships by Bev Burgess
- Introducing client portfolio management with dinosaurs – Be more T Rex (Video)
- Professional Services thought leadership update - FTI, Bidwells, Grist and Fieldfisher (November 2020)
- Change management: Building Resilience – Regulation, Reframing, Relationships and Reflection (Video)
- The growth of MarTech in professional services
- Developing a private client practice – 10 insights (July 2017)
- Client satisfaction benchmarks – How do you measure up? (NPS)
- Effective marketing – a discussion with managing partners
- Marketing planning in a nutshell
- Book review: “Leadership transformed – how ordinary managers become extraordinary leaders” by Dr Peter Fuda
- Book Review – “How to think strategically: Your roadmap to innovation and results” by Davide Sola and Jerome Couturier
- Book review: “Developing a business strategy – How to use strategic planning to start up or grow your business” FT Essential Guides by Vaughan Evans
- Book review: Effective client management in professional services – How to build effective client relationships by Jack Berkovi
- Change management book review: “Switch: How to change things when change is hard” by Chip and Dan Heath
- Key Account Management KAM in a nutshell
- Internal communication – Why, how and what?
- Introducing the marketing planning process into a professional service firm
- Strategic thinking – Audits, assumptions and alignment
- Book review: “The change catalyst – secrets to successful and sustainable business change” by Campbell MacPherson (Change Management)
- Book review: Professional services leadership handbook by Nigel Clark, Ben Kent, Alastair Beddow and Adrian Furner
- An MBA is great – but you’ll need soft skills to make an impact
- Environmental analysis (SLEPT) and planning - Future of Jobs Report 2018 (impact of technology)
- Be more onion, time out from the tsunami and other strategy insights
- Managing and marketing a profitable surveyors’ practice – Guiding and rising stars
- Driving successful marketing programs for professional services
- Change management and Employee engagement
- Better Business Relationships and DACRIE - A model to enhance business relationships
- Book Review: Malcolm McDonald on value propositions – How to develop them, how to quantify them (by Malcolm McDonald and Grant Oliver)
- Commerciality – Finance, pricing, innovation and research
- Book review – Advanced Marketing Management: Principles, skills and tools by Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis and Jillian Ney
- Structured programmes for Referrer Relationships
- Leadership: Authenticity, values and culture
- How to facilitate groups
- Changing behaviour in the workplace to boost productivity – Insights from psychology
- Book review: A practitioner’s guide to Account-Based Marketing (ABM) – Accelerating growth in strategic accounts by Bev Burgess with Dave Munn
- Next steps in growing a small surveying and property practice
- BCO’s Inspirational Leaders – Toby Courtauld of Great Portland Estates
- Consulting skills 2 – Book review: Flawless Consulting by Peter Block
- Consultancy themes and services
- Improve your strategic thinking – Seven insights (2020)
- Managing a surveying practice – Resource management
- Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett
- How to engage fee-earners in the M&BD planning process?
- Avoid the revolving door - Recruiting and retaining marketing and business development professionals in PSFs
- Nine Marketing and Business Development trends in 2021
- Marketing basics – What are the 4Ps and why are they still useful? (Video)
- Marketing and Business Development Planning in a Nutshell: Benefits, Audits and Goals (November 2021)
- Leadership: Dealing with resistance to change
- Be more strategic – Strategy in a post-Covid19 world
- How to write a successful property plan for your charity – presentation by the Ethical Property Foundation (EPF)
- "The State of the Marketing Profession - Past, Present and Future" by Professor Malcolm McDonald
- Reviewing books by legal and accounting clients – “Covid-19, residential property, equity release and enfranchisement” by Paul Sams and Louise Uphill and “Agile in Business – A guide for Company Leadership” by Robert Morley
- Key issues in Marketing and Business Development Planning: Engage, Analyse, Expand, Innovate and Measure
- Leadership teams: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons (Video)
- Strategic thinking – It’s a jungle out there
- Law firm analysis – MHA Legal Benchmarking Annual Report 2020
- Two 2023 financial benchmarks for law firms: The Law Society/Hazelwoods and the Institute of Legal Finance & Management (ILFM)/Crowe
- Marketing in a time of Coronavirus – Pragmatic ideas
- Book review: Influential Internal Communication by Jenni Field
- Book review: All you need to know about commercial awareness by Christopher Stoakes
- Developing a business psychology practice – Communicating a consulting profile and reputation
- Marketing strategy for accountants and tax advisors (Video)
- Strategy basics – Mission and vision statements with hedgehogs and helicopters (Video)
- Marketing and BD planning – Segmentation, Rock Stars and Engagement (Feb 2021)
- Book review – Brilliant personal effectiveness by Douglas Miller
- Book launch: Essential soft skills for lawyers – some research findings
- Manage and grow your private client practice – Recruitment, Performance, Segmentation and ROI (February 2023)
- Book Review: The Marketer’s Handbook: Reassessing marketing techniques for modern businesses By Laurie Young
- How technology drives marketing intelligence and efficiency
- Nine Change Management insights (May 2022)
- Non-Executive Directors: Benefits for professional service firms
- The growth of MarTech in professional services
- Strategy basics - Mintzberg
- Don’t try to eat the white elephant whole – thoughts on change management and leadership
- Book review: Legacy – What the All Blacks can teach us about the business of life by James Kerr (Leadership, culture, values and change management)
- Book review: How to become the firm of choice by Robert J Lees and August J Aquila (strategy development)
- Effective marketing – a discussion with managing partners
- Leadership masterclass by Luan de Burgh
- Psychology, neuroscience and client engagement
- Book review: TED Talks - The official TED guide to public speaking by Chris Anderson (Presentation skills)
- Presentation skills – Preparing the content and delivery
- Selling legal services with storytelling
- Internal communication – Why, how and what?
- How do you make a personal impact? Stand out, speak up and make a difference
- Strategic thinking – Audits, assumptions and alignment
- Non-Executive Directors: Benefits for professional service firms
- Lessons in leadership - personal brand, presence, stages and loneliness
- The art of giving feedback
- Strategy silos – is marketing guilty too? Align, integrate, focus, educate and champion
- Book review: “The change catalyst – secrets to successful and sustainable business change” by Campbell MacPherson (Change Management)
- Book review: Reinforcements: How to get people to help you by Heidi Grant
- Leadership and management: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons
- Book review: Professional services leadership handbook by Nigel Clark, Ben Kent, Alastair Beddow and Adrian Furner
- An MBA is great – but you’ll need soft skills to make an impact
- Top persuasive writing tips – Audience, structure and content (Feb 2019)
- Be more onion, time out from the tsunami and other strategy insights
- Driving successful marketing programs for professional services
- Change management and Employee engagement
- Better Business Relationships and DACRIE - A model to enhance business relationships
- Commerciality – Finance, pricing, innovation and research
- Leadership: Authenticity, values and culture
- Soft skills for lawyers – research and book in development
- Be more visible – the PVI model
- How to facilitate groups
- Animal magic and the art of gaining buy-in: Leeds September 2019
- Future Marketing Manager – Eight steps to manage virtual teams
- Changing behaviour in the workplace to boost productivity – Insights from psychology
- 12 thoughts on delegation, coaching and team management (2019)
- Why do you need a business plan?
- BCO’s Inspirational Leaders – Toby Courtauld of Great Portland Estates
- Book review: Neuroscience for organizational change by Hilary Scarlett
- Improve your strategic thinking – Seven insights (2020)
- Book launch: Essential soft skills for lawyers – some research findings
- Be more strategic – Strategy in a post-Covid19 world
- Change management basics (Video)
- Strategic thinking – It’s a jungle out there
- Leadership: Dealing with resistance to change
- Video – The art of storytelling
- 20 insights on change management processes and communication
- Change Management – Heads, Hearts and Hands
- The EAST framework for behavioural nudges in marketing? (Change management)
- New Leadership Development Programme from the Managing Partners’ Forum – Consensus through Collaboration
- Change management: The change process - Emotions when reacting to change (Video)
- Nurture a change management movement – From “Let it go” to “Let it grow”
- Leadership teams: Maverick Magpies and Predictable Pigeons (Video)
- Top six leadership qualities?
- Hooks, Headlines and Hard-Wired Words: 11 ideas for better writing
- Book review: The Management Shift – How to harness the power of people and transform your organization for sustainable success by Vlatka Hlupic
- Strategy basics – Mission and vision statements with hedgehogs and helicopters (Video)
- Book review: All you need to know about commercial awareness by Christopher Stoakes
- Book Review: Helping people change: Coaching with compassion for lifelong learning and growth by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith and Ellen Van Oosten
- Change management – Millennials, metaphors and resistance
- Book review: Lost connections – Why you’re depressed and how to find hope by Johann Hari
- Change management: Building Resilience – Regulation, Reframing, Relationships and Reflection (Video)
- Nine Change Management insights (May 2022)
- Conference report: British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Psychology means business
- Making an impact, influence and persuasion
- Strategy basics - Mintzberg
- Book review – Key Coaching Models by Stephen Gribben (and other coaching books)
- Storytelling book reviews: The Story Advantage by LJ Bloom and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons
- Technology and psychology skills needed
- Don’t try to eat the white elephant whole – thoughts on change management and leadership
- Be more confident and convey confidence