
Proactive Marketing/BD Executive (Oct 2020) – Session highlights

At the Professional Marketing Forum, we ran our first digital version of the popular full day “Proactive Marketing/BD Executive” training workshop at the start of October. We were over-subscribed so will be looking at further dates soon (please contact PM Forum if you are keen to know in advance). This Read More

2020-10-06T13:49:22+01:00October 6, 2020|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Six themes on cross-selling and referrer management workshop highlights (2020)

Yesterday I facilitated an interactive workshop through the Professional Marketing Forum  on cross-selling and referrer management. I promised the delegates – representing a range of legal and accountancy practices – that I would summarise and share the key points arising from the session and the six themes to supplement their Read More

CIM’s Innovation in Marketing

People often ask me about innovation in marketing. There is lots of information around on the subject – particularly as we struggle with how to move out of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, through technologically-disrupted markets and into whatever the “new normal” might be. So I thought I would revisit the Read More

2020-08-24T14:35:38+01:00August 24, 2020|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Strategy|

Marketing in a time of Coronavirus – Pragmatic ideas

“Love in a time of Cholera” by Gabriel García Márquez is a great book. It reflects many themes we are experiencing today such as the Coronavirus plague and the attempts to maintain relationships across great distances. So what about marketing in a time of Coronavirus? Once professional service firms transitioned Read More

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