Client service

Private Client – Vision, Leadership, Plan, Engagement and Delegation

Last week’s MBL workshop on “How to manage and grow your private client practice” saw 100% delegates highly satisfied with the course overall, 100% highly satisfied with the trainer (that’s me!) and 100% highly satisfied with the course materials. One delegate commented: “Thank you very much - lots of food Read More

2024-11-28T14:08:03+00:00November 28, 2024|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing, Social Media|

Book review: You’re not listening – What you’re missing and why it matters by Kate Murphy

Active listening is a core communication skill that is fundamental for creating and developing relationships. Yet listening doesn’t receive nearly as much attention as other communication skills such as speaking, writing, presenting and negotiating. Effective listening is critical for so many activities such as learning, leading, client service, consulting, coaching, Read More

2024-06-07T08:15:32+01:00June 7, 2024|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management, Selling|

Research update on the most in-demand soft skills

Following my past research (some of which was published in my 2020 book Essential soft skills for lawyers ( I keep an eye out for the latest information relating to the soft skills (particularly leadership skills) most in demand and how these relate to the professional services sector. So here Read More

Creativity 8 – From consternation to collaboration: Using creativity to turn problems into opportunities in client service

Creativity is crucial for marketing and innovation and a while back I produced a series of introductory articles on creativity. In recent workshops we have explored the use of creativity techniques to resolve client service issues, co-create solutions and improve client relationships. This article reviews a few simple creativity techniques Read More

2022-11-22T14:59:24+00:00November 22, 2022|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing, Relationship Management|
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