
What marketing and business development assistants would like to say to their fee-earners

At a recent training workshop we considered: What marketing and business development assistants would like to say to their fee-earners. The assistants know that they have to work hard to understand what their fee-earners do and who they do it for – they must develop empathy with their fee-earners and Read More

2018-12-19T10:14:32+00:00December 18, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Relationship Management|

Book review: Reinforcements: How to get people to help you by Heidi Grant

The original (shorter) review of Reinforcements: How to get people to help you by Heidi Grant was published in the October edition of Professional Marketing magazine Reinforcement can mean a) enlisting extra help and b) a process to establish a particular behaviour using reward. Cleverly, this short book addresses Read More

2018-10-03T12:34:31+01:00October 3, 2018|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Relationship Management|

Differentiation strategies and innovation

Differentiation is a question that is raised in many of my strategy and business development workshops for professional service firms. Differentiation is the process of identifying a difference between your own and competing products or services that has some value to clients. Differentiation provides sustainable competitive advantage. So this article Read More

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

These topics – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – form a major part of the creativity and innovation workshops that I run (for details of public courses see here There are many other blogs on creativity (see, for example: and In this blog, I explore critical thinking Read More

2016-12-20T16:23:15+00:00December 20, 2016|Kim's Blog, Management Skills|

Content development – Get blood out of a stone

At a recent effective writing course I led for PM Forum the issue causing most concern for delegates was getting content out of busy lawyers, accountants and surveyors. Content development was described as being like getting blood out of stone. So here are some ideas to help get that Read More

2016-03-20T16:14:50+00:00March 20, 2016|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media|
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