Content Management

Help your lawyers understand and engage with social media effectively

Gaining lawyer interest and engagement with the potential value of social media in both business development and relationship management is a regular theme in buy-in and marketing training workshops. So this new book is designed to help your lawyers understand and engage with social media effectively. There’s a challenging education Read More

2021-04-03T15:47:46+01:00November 16, 2018|Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling, Social Media|

Legal marketing case study: Social media in business development and relationship management: A guide for lawyers by Kim Tasso (Book review)

This week I was delighted that my sixth book “Social media in business development and relationship management: A guide for lawyers” was published by Globe Law and Business The introductory guide is designed for lawyers and law firms (whether providing consumer or commercial legal services) who are assessing whether social Read More

Thought leadership campaigns and project management: Eight Essentials

At a recent thought leadership campaign and project management workshop ( we spent a while considering the strategic context for identifying, gaining support for, developing and executing thought leadership campaigns. These eight essentials emerged from our discussion:  1. Entrepreneurship Marketing is about anticipating client needs and fulfilling them profitably. Thought Read More

2018-09-21T17:24:37+01:00September 21, 2018|Kim's Blog|

Book – Social Media in Business Development and Relationship Management: A Guide for Lawyers

I’m spending my summer months writing a short (around 20,000 words) booklet which is designed to be a pragmatic guide for lawyers on Social Media in Business Development and Relationship Management. It will address approaches for both firms and individual lawyers. Digital marketing, social selling and online relationship management are Read More

Marketing after the technology revolution?

This article appeared as the leader in Professional Marketing magazine (Summer 2018 edition) where I am Editorial Consultant in Chief. I used to think that the MarTech revolution had bypassed professional services but now I’m not so sure. I’ve seen the future and it is automated. So how will marketing Read More

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