
Book – Social Media in Business Development and Relationship Management: A Guide for Lawyers

I’m spending my summer months writing a short (around 20,000 words) booklet which is designed to be a pragmatic guide for lawyers on Social Media in Business Development and Relationship Management. It will address approaches for both firms and individual lawyers. Digital marketing, social selling and online relationship management are Read More

Search Engine Optimisation SEO – An update

Every couple of years I attend a training session on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to ensure that my knowledge remains up to date. This month I attended a SEO course for journalists organised by  and led by my old friend Adam Tinworth (Twitter @adders and blog at ). So Read More

2018-03-06T10:22:01+00:00March 6, 2018|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|

Persuasive writing: Titles and tweets

At the recent Persuasive writing course in London I was asked to provide more information on crafting great titles for article and blogs. I also discovered that at a previous session I’d been asked to provide more guidance on writing effective tweets. The two topics are similar – so here Read More

2017-11-17T15:59:52+00:00November 17, 2017|Kim's Blog, Marketing, Selling, Social Media, Web Sites|

Persuasive writing – Nine quick tips

The most recent persuasive writing course – up in Manchester last week – generated some interesting discussions about effective technique. Here are a few tips to add to those in previous persuasive writing blogs. 1. Red mist words There are some words and phrases that I really dislike. Because they Read More

2017-10-06T12:18:03+01:00October 6, 2017|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Selling|

Selling legal services with storytelling

I recently ran some workshops for lawyers on selling legal services with storytelling. It was to help them to appreciate the value of a more personal and emotional narrative in conversations with clients – whether in the written or spoken word. It is uncomfortable pushing information out to people - Read More

2017-09-27T11:58:35+01:00September 27, 2017|Lawyers, Marketing, Selling|
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