Human Resources

Leadership: Authenticity, values and culture

I was recently asked to facilitate a partner strategy session where the focus was on authenticity, values and culture. It was a highly interactive session with participants considering their personal values in a structured way before discussing them in peer groups. It was a softer parallel process alongside a more Read More

2019-08-13T10:19:40+01:00August 13, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|

Conference report: British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Psychology means business

Earlier this month I attended the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Psychology means business conference in London. It was a day filled with excellent talks and fascinating insights. I have shared a few of the most interesting points here. Behavioural science Behavioural science was a big theme throughout the day – Read More

2021-04-03T15:01:34+01:00July 23, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Research report: 24th Annual Smith & Williamson Law Firm Survey 2018 “Brexit, what Brexit?”

The annual Smith & Williamson law firm survey 2018 obtained the opinions of over 130 managing partners and senior management personnel across the UK in August 2018. The clear message emerging from this year’s survey show that law firms are continuing to fight for top talent in a competitive market Read More

2021-04-03T15:05:13+01:00July 15, 2019|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Statistics and trends, Strategy|

Future Marketing Manager – A checklist for success and how to get promoted

At the January 2019 presentation of the popular Future Marketing Manager course at Professional Marketing Forum, one of the group exercises was to write a checklist of what marketing and business development executives needed to do to be promoted to and successful as managers. So here is a checklist for Read More

2019-05-21T09:58:07+01:00May 21, 2019|Kim's Blog, Management Skills, Marketing|

Change management and Employee engagement

At the recent MBL Change management workshop we covered a lot of topics but the one that generated most interest was employee engagement. Change management and Employee engagement is particularly important in professional service firms where highly-skilled people are constantly on the front line with clients so it has Read More

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