Law Firm Marketing

Strategy silos – is marketing guilty too? Align, integrate, focus, educate and champion

A short while ago, I travelled to Birmingham for a West Midlands Professional Marketing Forum  meeting to talk about “Towards strategic marketing”. Yesterday, I presented at a professional services conference in Sussex (organised by Consortium  and supported by CIM) and presented on a similar topic. Whereas we often consider our lawyers, accountants and surveyors Read More

2018-07-18T11:32:31+01:00July 18, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Strategy|

Vuture – Marketing and relationship management automation in professional services firms

My occasional reviews of marketing technology led me to talk to Jennifer Miller at Vuture about the latest developments in marketing and relationship management automation in professional services firms. What is Vuture? Vuture is a platform that works above CRM database systems including; LexisNexis InterAction, Salesforce, Dynamics, Peppermint and OnePlace, Read More

Introducing the marketing planning process into a professional service firm

At the recent “Marketing planning in a nutshell” training workshop, the focus was on the best way to introduce a marketing planning process into a professional service firm. While many of the larger professional service firms have sophisticated marketing and business development planning processes, some smaller firms are still Read More

2018-03-20T13:45:26+00:00March 20, 2018|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Strategy|

Relationship and referrer management – Piggybacks, Ghosting, Ridealongs, Swapsies and Orange Crates

I regularly run training courses – both on public sessions and in-house – on relationship and referrer management. At a recent session presented through MBL Seminars, we explored some of the more popular techniques for relationship and referrer management whether for internal or external referrers. Piggybacking – Rather than mount Read More

2017-12-13T13:19:50+00:00December 13, 2017|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Relationship Management, Selling|

Private client marketing – Five thoughts from heads of department (2017)

Last week I was in Manchester for an MBL training course on “Developing and sustaining your private client practice”. Over half of the delegates were heads of private client departments with responsibility for developing and growing their teams and private client marketing was a major theme. Here are the five Read More

2021-04-03T16:38:09+01:00December 11, 2017|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Strategy, Web Sites|
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