
Book review – “Creating winning bids” (architecture and construction) by Basil Sawczuk

Back in April 2010, I was rather complimentary about Basil’s book which provided an overall model of business development for those in smaller consultancies in the architecture and construction industry http://kimtasso.com/architecture-and-construction-marketing-and-selling-professional-services His latest book “Creating winning bids” is a quick and easy read over 110 pages and covers the following: Read More

2013-08-15T14:13:14+01:00April 2, 2013|Kim's Blog, Property, Selling|

Helping fee-earners prepare the perfect pitch Mk II

A week ago, we ran another of the PM Forum’s “Helping fee-earners prepare the perfect pitch” sessions which was hosted by reputation management consultants Regester Larkin. Here are some of the main issues arising. Pitch challenges The delegates had a variety of challenges that they wanted to address but the Read More

2013-09-08T19:04:04+01:00February 14, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Selling|

Book review – HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations by Nancy Duarte

As I am doing a fair amount of training and coaching on presentation pitches at the moment (particularly for actuaries, construction consultants and lawyers), I thought I’d take a look at the various books on presentation skills to recommend to people who ask for additional information. When I started reading Read More

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