
Conference report: “You haven’t heard it all before” Professional Marketing Forum conference September 2019 (Innovation, procurement, campaigns, creativity, assertiveness)

This conference report on the Professional Marketing Forum conference September 2019 was published in the November edition of Professional Marketing magazine  Lucy Canning of Grant Thornton UK kicked off proceedings by challenging the “echo chamber of assumptions” in professional services marketing and suggesting that we “tear up the rule Read More

2019-11-11T10:21:04+00:00November 11, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Marketing|

Animal magic and the art of gaining buy-in: Leeds September 2019

There was a distinctly animal theme to a recent buy-in workshop at the Professional Marketing Forum in Leeds meeting Metaphors and stories are a powerful way to communicate  - so here are some highlights on animal magic and the art of gaining buy-in. Bees - Communication Bees show amazing Read More

Nine reflections on thought leadership (2019)

It was a full house at the recent Professional Marketing Forum training workshop on thought leadership. Here are the nine reflections on thought leadership identified by the 18 delegates at the end of the session: Use books for thought leadership – Publishing a book was the original way that Read More

2019-09-09T15:55:29+01:00September 9, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Property, Statistics and trends|

Leadership: Authenticity, values and culture

I was recently asked to facilitate a partner strategy session where the focus was on authenticity, values and culture. It was a highly interactive session with participants considering their personal values in a structured way before discussing them in peer groups. It was a softer parallel process alongside a more Read More

2019-08-13T10:19:40+01:00August 13, 2019|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Property, Strategy|
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