Differentiation strategies and innovation

Differentiation is a question that is raised in many of my strategy and business development workshops for professional service firms. Differentiation is the process of identifying a difference between your own and competing products or services that has some value to clients. Differentiation provides sustainable competitive advantage. So this article Read More

Technology update for law firms and cybercrime insights from The Law Society Law Management Conference 2017

I recently attended The Law Society’s Law Management Section conference (#LMSConf2017 https://events.lawsociety.org.uk/ClientApps/Silverbear.Web.EDMS/public/default.aspx?tabId=37&id=1428&orgId=1&guid=1155d437-8a7a-467d-87cf-2c38cfd6fbe3) There were lots of excellent presentations and this blog (one of three) summarises the technology update for law firms and cybercrime insights. Technology overview Jeremy Hopkins of Clerkingwell Consulting (Twitter: @JezHop) – who has worked with barristers for Read More

2017-04-25T09:50:20+01:00April 25, 2017|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Web Sites|

The Lawyer Business Leadership Summit – Crystal balls, Change, Connection, CRM and Collaboration. And don’t forget the Millennials.

The end of September marks the annual Business Leadership Summit and Awards from The Lawyer magazine so I was at The Brewery in Chiswell Street bright and early for a day of commercial insights from lawyer business leaders. I was not disappointed.  What is the office for? - The Lawyer Read More

2016-10-08T13:36:28+01:00October 8, 2016|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

Law Society legal market research 2016 – The future of legal services

This legal market research report was published in January and is a cracking example of comprehensive SLEPT (or PEST) and market attractiveness analyses that will be valuable to any law firm strategic planning process. It’s a whopping 64 pages and it’s worth its weight in gold. It identifies five clusters Read More

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