Future Marketing (Business Development) Manager – Theory, positive outlook, engaging juniors, planning and emerging opportunities (November 2021)

Mazars  hosted for our first post-Covid in person Future Marketing (Business Development) Manager workshop from the Professional Marketing Forum. The workshop was held in a light airy room with fabulous views of St Katherine’s Dock and Tower Bridge. The fully packed, experiential day focused on “hard” issues (management, leadership, strategy, Read More

2021-12-08T08:54:00+00:00December 6, 2021|Kim's Blog, Marketing|

Four themes in the art of selling – Integrating marketing and sales, sales process, first contact and selling in a digital world

Earlier this week I ran a full day workshop on selling for MBL  (“The art of selling professional services and winning business”). The day was organised into six modules: the sales process, sales planning, integration with marketing, psychological selling, selling skills and measuring sales success. I selected four themes in Read More

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