
How do we get more women into surveying?

Recruitment in the property sector is tough. Many property practices find their growth ambitions constrained because they can’t recruit enough of the right calibre candidates – at junior and senior levels. In some cases, this results in unseemly salary battles and a constant churn of junior, middle ranking and senior Read More

2021-04-03T17:00:35+01:00July 14, 2017|Kim's Blog, Property, Statistics and trends|

Differentiation strategies and innovation

Differentiation is a question that is raised in many of my strategy and business development workshops for professional service firms. Differentiation is the process of identifying a difference between your own and competing products or services that has some value to clients. Differentiation provides sustainable competitive advantage. So this article Read More

Legal market research – Lexis-Nexis Bellwether research report 2017 “Why independent law firms are thriving”

Now in its fifth year, LexisNexis Bellwether has released the first of three legal market research reports for 2017. The research, in conjunction with Linda Jones & Partners, is based on 10 qualitative interviews and quantitative research with 118 lawyers in independent law firms (75% of whom had worked at Read More

2017-06-01T17:35:38+01:00June 1, 2017|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Management Skills, Strategy|

Book review – “Strategic tendering for professional services” by Matthew Fuller and Tim Nightingale

It’s about time that there was a new book on strategic tendering for professional services. It’s too long – 1993 - since John de Forte and Guy Jones wrote their ground breaking “Proposals, pitches and beauty parades”. Whilst I valued Basil Sawczuk’s “Creating winning bids” in 2013 it is focused Read More

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