
Instant Mobile Market Research software – For lawyers, accountants and surveyors needing fast and affordable consumer research

I came across this new mobile software service that would be really helpful in allowing professional firms to undertake consumer research either a) to inform their future strategies or b) to obtain material on which to base thought leadership-type promotional campaigns using White Papers or articles and blogs. Upinion - Read More

2013-11-05T18:37:24+00:00November 5, 2013|Accountants, Lawyers, Marketing, Property|

Case study: Developing a family law practice at Oxley & Coward solicitors in Yorkshire

I was recently asked to lead a day’s training session on developing a family law practice for firms in the LawNet group  Sarah Scott, a partner in the family team at Oxley & Coward, provided a short presentation on their experiences with media relations and social media and Read More

2013-11-05T14:23:22+00:00November 5, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Web Sites|

Marketing strategy for personal injury lawyers at MASS conference

At the MASS (Motor Accident Solicitors Society) conference last week, I was asked to introduce the panel on marketing with an overview of the need for a marketing strategy for personal injury lawyers when trying to reach the consumer. And in just 15 minutes! The key points I covered Read More

2013-10-30T18:06:38+00:00October 30, 2013|Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Web Sites|

Improve marketing campaign management for professional service firms

I have just finished delivering a series of two linked training sessions – “Earning the right to manage campaigns” and “Navigating the campaign journey” – to improve marketing campaign management effectiveness. The intensive and interactive workshops were based on a competency framework I previously developed which identifies six competencies in Read More

2013-10-31T16:19:49+00:00October 24, 2013|Accountants, Kim's Blog, Lawyers, Marketing, Strategy|
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